SPF, which means Sender Policy Framework, is an email safety system, which is is intended to confirm whether an e-mail message was sent by a licensed server. Using SPF protection for a particular domain name will stop the faking of emails made with the domain. In layman's terms: activating this function for a domain generates a specific record in the Domain Name System (DNS) which includes the IP of the servers that are allowed to send email messages from mailboxes under the domain. The moment this record propagates globally, it exists on all the DNS servers that route the Internet traffic. Whenever a new email message is sent, the initial DNS server it goes through verifies if it comes from an official server. In the event it does, it is sent to the destination address, however when it does not come from a server part of the SPF record for the particular domain, it is discarded. In this way nobody will mask an e-mail address and make it appear as if you're distributing spam. This approach is also identified as email spoofing.
SPF Protection in Shared Hosting
If you host your domains in a shared hosting account on our end and we manage the e-mail addresses for them, you'll be able to enable SPF protection for all of them with a few clicks inside your Hepsia Control Panel. The service is available in a section of its own where you can see which domain names are already secured. For the ones that aren't, you'll be able to activate the SPF protection option and set up various things during the process - the hostnames of the mail servers that are allowed to send messages from your e-mail addresses, the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses of the servers, and to create a rule that messages can be sent only when your domains include our MX records. The last choice is the most secure one, but it can be used when we take care of the email addresses for your domains and you're not using a different e-mail provider. The newly generated records will be activated within 1 day and nobody will be able to fake the FROM field in an e-mail with your addresses.
SPF Protection in Semi-dedicated Hosting
The SPF protection function comes with all the Linux semi-dedicated packages, so in case you host your domains in an account on our cloud hosting platform, you can activate this particular service with ease for all your domains. The Hepsia Control Panel, which is included with the semi-dedicated accounts, has a really intuitive interface, therefore you won't have to be proficient in the use of computers to secure your e-mail addresses. You will only have to type the hostname and the IP of each mail server that you would like to be certified to send out emails from your addresses and right after that the new record will be active for the domain name that you've selected. As an additional option, we also allow you to restrict the outgoing emails and protect your mailboxes even further by permitting email messages to be sent only when the domain in question contains our MX records i.e. the email messages for the domain should be managed here and not by a different supplier. By doing so you'll have even superior control and there will not be any chance for any person to fake your e-mails for harmful intentions.