The service uptime is frequently dismissed by many people as they are searching for a new shared hosting provider, but it can often be substantially more significant in comparison with the actual plan attributes. It will not matter how good a plan is if the websites hosted in the account are offline for long time frames. This kind of downtimes in many cases are penalized by search engines, not mentioning the fact that visitors will most likely not go back to a site they experience complications with. For this reason, you should always look into the stability of the hosting service before getting a new account so as to be sure that the success of your websites will not be determined by third-party factors, but entirely on their content and on your advertising and marketing campaigns.
Service Uptime Guarantee in Shared Hosting
If you buy a shared hosting plan from us, we ensure that your web sites will be functioning no less than 99.9% of the time. We have virtually eliminated the web server downtime by using an advanced cloud hosting platform in which separate sets of web servers handle every aspect of the overall service - files, databases, e-mails, etc. In that way, when there is an issue with a server, the other machines included in the cluster shall simply take over and your internet sites won't be affected whatsoever. To avoid any infrastructure problems, we additionally have diesel backup generators and a few independent Internet providers. Competent admins keep an eye on the servers 24/7 to tackle any software problems that may appear while software and hardware firewalls shall prevent DDoS attacks against the servers.
Service Uptime Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Hosting
If you acquire a semi-dedicated server package from us, you are going to enjoy a guaranteed 99.9% uptime. Your account is going to be created on a hi-tech cloud web hosting platform with a load-balancing system that basically eradicates any kind of downtime. The files, email messages, statistics and databases are all addressed by their own groups of servers, so even when there's a trouble with one web server, your web sites aren't going to be affected whatsoever. This enables us to offer you a considerably more stable web hosting service compared with businesses that run everything on a single machine where a problem with a single service can take the entire server down. To avoid infrastructure issues, our data centers employ multiple Internet providers and powerful diesel generators, so no matter what happens, the servers will keep running with no interruptions and your websites will remain functioning. Any software troubles will be handled instantly by our proficient group of administrators which monitor all web servers 24/7.
Service Uptime Guarantee in Dedicated Hosting
When you acquire a dedicated server through us, we guarantee that it's going to be up and running a minimum of 99.9% of the time. For a start, your web server is going to be designed with new and thoroughly tested hardware components and we will not do any compromises about it. Our data center in the town center of Chicago offers powerful diesel backup generators, so in the case of a power outage your web server will still be working and with a number of redundant Internet service providers, your web sites will be accessible if there is any online connectivity difficulty. In case there is any unpredicted circumstances, we have experienced system administrators that monitor all machines at all times and they can respond instantly to resolve the problem in a very timely manner. Last but not least, our servers have hardware and software firewalls to stop the unwanted traffic when it comes to a DDoS attack.