In case you have never had a hosting account or you’re changing companies and the new one employs an account management interface that you have not seen before, you may become baffled about how to accomplish a given operation in your account or on your PC. That’s the reason why, a lot of web hosting providers have created a knowledge base, which lists the most frequent inquiries and problems connected with their platform, rather than adding only generic information. This sort of knowledge base will allow you to find the necessary info quickly and easily, so you won’t have to spend plenty of time and efforts on stuff that may require something as elementary as pushing a button or ticking off a check box. Thus, not only can you get things done, but you can also discover lots of new and helpful details, both about the way you can manage your account and about the way the hosting service functions in general.
Extensive Online Documentation in Shared Hosting
Our shared hosting plans feature a detailed knowledge base where you can find information on all the challenges that you may possibly confront and their solutions. You can discover how to set up and administer an electronic mailing list, how to use an .htaccess file, or how to proceed in case the settings of your email client are correct, but still you’re unable to send emails, for instance. We have done our utmost best to be as thorough as possible and to cover all possible options in order to save you time and effort and to offer you different solutions for each single issue. The knowledge base contains informative articles too – both generic ones about the web hosting service as a whole, and more specific ones, which will help you get familiar with the functions and features of the Hepsia hosting Control Panel. You can find relevant articles about particular functions and features in every Control Panel section, whereas if you would like to browse the entire list of articles, you should go to the Help section.
Extensive Online Documentation in Semi-dedicated Hosting
Our semi-dedicated servers come with an extensive article library where you can find any information that you might need about our hosting services or about the Hepsia Control Panel that we’re using. We have compiled it based on the feedback that we have obtained from our customers throughout the years and, as a consequence, our articles deal with particular problems that you might run into and suggest the fastest means of resolving them, for instance receiving a 500 Internal Server Error message or not being able to send emails from your desktop computer although you have the right SMTP settings. The articles are available in each and every section of the Control Panel and you can browse them whenever you like. They can help you widen your knowledge not only about our services, but also about the web hosting realm in general, as they contain in-depth guides and general info such as what file permissions or cron jobs are.