All arithmetical and logical operations in a computer/server configuration are tackled by its Central Processing Unit, or CPU. This hardware part is sometimes called the "brains" of the personal computer also. The pace at which the CPU carries out system instructions is commonly referred to as its speed and it's measured in Hertz. The speedier the processing unit is, the more quickly scripts and web apps shall be executed, although the overall performance of the latter depends upon other things too - the read/write speed of the hard drive, the amount of physical memory, the network connectivity, and so forth. All newer CPUs have several cores, which work together. Therefore, the efficiency and the workload which a CPU can manage increase, since each core can process different tasks separately and a number of cores can handle one task which cannot be processed by one core.
CPU Share in Dedicated Hosting
Our dedicated server solutions come with a range of hardware configurations, therefore, based on what you need the hosting server for and on your budget, you can pick the most suitable one for you. In addition to the different RAM and disk space allocations, each and every plan comes with different CPU shares too. The CPUs we offer you have 2-12 cores, so you can choose the package which will match your requirements best. With the most powerful package, each program which you run on the hosting server shall run very fast regardless what resources it needs and no matter how many people are using it all at once, but even the lower-end plans are adequate for most kinds of websites. The functionality of the CPUs is evaluated together with all the other hardware elements, in order to ensure that the web server which we will hand over to you will work faultlessly and at maximum capacity all the time.